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The Favorite Park of Neapolitans

The Rebirth of Public Parks in Naples

Public parks are important green spaces for the well-being of a city and its inhabitants. In Naples, unfortunately public parks were long neglected and under-utilized in the past, but in recent years there have been major efforts to improve the situation. All of Naples' parks have come back to life, finally gaining the proper attention from Neapolitans - starting with the Bosco di Capodimonte park with its Royal Palace, which however deserves a separate discussion as it is more than just a simple park and the absolute favorite destination for Neapolitans and tourists!

Here is a brief mention of two other parks:

The Villa Floridiana Park is a large park on Vomero hill, built in the 18th century and acquired by Ferdinand I of Bourbon in 1816 for his wife, the Duchess of Floridia. The park, laid out by the then director of the Botanical Garden of Naples, offers panoramic views of the Gulf of Naples and is divided between a public and private area. Inside the park is the neoclassical villa, housing the National Museum of Ceramics "Duke of Martina". The park has paths, woods, meadows and flower beds and is very popular even in winter.

The Villa Comunale is a public garden located along the Caracciolo seaside promenade, between the Riviera di Chiaia and the sea. Created in 1780 as the Bourbon royal pheasantry on the sea, it was transformed into a municipal villa at the end of the dynasty. Depicted in famous 19th century paintings, it is the only green lung on the Neapolitan waterfront, with trees of various species and date palms from Africa. Within the Villa Comunale is the building housing the Anton Dohrn Zoological Station, the oldest aquarium in Europe, where you can admire many fish and crustacean species from the Gulf of Naples.

The Virgiliano Park: Greenery, Sport and a fabulous view!

The Virgiliano Park, also known as the "Park of Remembrance", is undoubtedly one of the treasures most beloved by Neapolitans. Located on the hill of Posillipo, 150 meters above sea level, it offers a breathtaking view of the entire Gulf of Naples, from Vesuvius to the Sorrento coast, passing through the island of Nisida.
The park is a place of peace and tranquility, frequented mainly by young people and students who love to sunbathe and study outdoors. But not only that: the Virgiliano Park is also a perfect place for a walk, enjoying an ice cream, having a beer, socializing or spending some free time with children.
The park has an athletics track and soccer field accessible to all, and during the summer many training courses are held. Built in the 1930s on a very large area, the park was equipped in the 1960s with a sports facility that still exists today. The new facility was inaugurated in 2002, and since then the park has become an important place for sports, nature and community for families, young people and athletes. Neapolitans love this park!
The entrance to the Virgiliano Park is through a monumental entrance leading to a square with a beautiful recently built fountain.

Don't miss the opportunity to visit this green jewel of Naples, which will take your breath away with its panoramic views and timeless beauty.
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Parco Virgiliano


Parco Virgiliano

Parco Virgiliano - Viale Virgilio, 80123 Napoli