Secrets Naples

Where to eat real Neapolitan Pizza!

The Pizza Margherita, the mystery of its origins

The pizza margherita is undoubtedly one of the most iconic and beloved dishes of Neapolitan cuisine, but its origins are shrouded in mystery and there are different versions of its birth. The most well-known version, and perhaps the most romantic one, tells that the pizza margherita was invented in Naples in 1889 by pizza maker Raffaele Esposito. The legend goes that during King Umberto I of Savoy's visit to Naples, Raffaele Esposito was called to prepare three types of pizza for the royal family in the lavish palace of Capodimonte. The pizza maker and his wife went to court, and among the three pizzas prepared was the famous pizza with tomato, mozzarella and basil, which Queen Margherita enjoyed so much that the pizza maker decided to name it after her. However, it is important to underline that the pizza with these ingredients already existed and was by no means new. In fact, Raffaele Esposito's credit would have been to attribute the queen's name to a pizza that was already widely known, at least in the city of Naples. Despite this controversy, the pizza margherita has become a symbol of Neapolitan culture and tradition, and its fame has spread around the world. Today, the pizza margherita is one of the most appreciated and requested dishes in Italian restaurants and pizzerias, and it represents an authentic and genuine culinary experience.

Not Only Margherita: 'A Carrettiera - The Sausage and Broccoli Rabe Pizza.

In addition to the famous pizza margherita, Neapolitans have a deep love for the sausage and broccoli rabe pizza, another delicacy of Neapolitan cuisine. The sausage and broccoli rabe pizza is a dish very loved by Neapolitans, who appreciate its combination of intense and genuine flavors. The sausage and broccoli rabe, a typical vegetable in Campania cuisine, give the pizza a unique flavor. The ingredients used to prepare the pizza are sausage, broccoli rabe and mozzarella. The sausage is often crumbled and distributed on the base together with the broccoli rabe, which is cooked for a few minutes before being added to the pizza. Finally, the mozzarella or provola complete the pizza which is baked in a wood-fired oven until it reaches the right consistency. This pizza is very popular among Neapolitans who consider it a tasty alternative to the classic margherita pizza. In short, if you visit Naples, you can't miss the opportunity to taste the sausage and broccoli rabe pizza, a dish that represents Neapolitans' love for good food and authentic local flavors.

Where to eat the best Pizza in Naples!

Naples is famous around the world for its delicious and authentic pizza, and there are many pizzerias offering the city's most famous dish. However, there is one pizzeria that stands out from the others: Pizzeria Oliva.
Pizzeria Oliva has been around for many years and has remained one of the few pizzerias that maintains the authentic atmosphere of old Naples. Despite its fame, Pizzeria Oliva has kept its traditional style, offering its customers a true Neapolitan experience. Neapolitans themselves are among the regular customers of Pizzeria Oliva. Many of them go there not only to eat pizza, but to find the authentic atmosphere of old Naples. For the people of Naples, Pizzeria Oliva is a special place where they can enjoy pizza as their ancestors did. Pizzeria Oliva is also known for its quality. The pizza is prepared with fresh, high quality ingredients following traditional Neapolitan recipes. The result is a delicious, light and flavorful pizza that satisfies the palates of all customers. In conclusion, if you want to taste real Neapolitan pizza and experience an authentic setting, Pizzeria Oliva is the right place for you. Here you can enjoy pizza made following the ancient traditions of Naples, immersed in a unique atmosphere that will make you feel as if you've gone back in time.
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Pizza MargheritaPizza Margherita
Pizzeria OlivaLa Pizzeria Oliva
Pizza Salsiccia e FriarielliSausage and Friarielli
Ingresso PizzeriaEnjoy your meal!

Pizzeria Oliva - Piazzetta Marconiglio, 3, 80141 Napoli