Secrets Naples

The Art of Neapolitan Swear Words

Discovering the swear words that make you angry... but also laugh!

Swear words, with their power to transgress social norms and express intense emotions, are a common feature in many languages ​​and dialects around the world. The Neapolitan language, with its rich history and deep roots in Neapolitan culture is obviously no exception, quite the opposite in fact. Neapolitan swear words and insults are a unique chapter in the Italian linguistic panorama, offering a variety of expressions which, beyond their vulgar character, can be appreciated for their complexity and refinement.

The Neapolitan language and its swear words

The Neapolitan language (it is not a simple dialect) has a long and complex history, influenced by different cultures and languages ​​over the centuries, including Latin, Arabic, French, Spanish and Italian. This mixture of influences has given rise to a dialect rich in nuances and details, and Neapolitan swear words are a striking example of this.
The beauty of Neapolitan swear words lies in their variety and ability to express a wide range of emotions. Some swear words are creative and poetic, while others are direct and derogatory. The Neapolitan language offers a vast selection of colorful terms that cover everything from rudeness to insult, from sarcasm to frustration, no aspect of everyday life is free from a swear word.

Here is an absolutely incomplete list of Neapolitan verbal art in insult:
  • Vaffanculo = Fuck off; Insult of variable severity depending on the tone used.
  • Cap 'e cazz = dickhead, often used to indicate an instinctive and unwise person;
  • Chitebbiv! = I curse your loved ones who are still alive;
  • Chitemmuort = I curse your dearly departed (very offensive and unjust blasphemy);
  • Puttan = whore;
  • Zoccola = intercalary of “slut”;
  • Latrin = sewer;
  • Strunz = asshole;
  • Asshole = bitch;
  • Facc 'e cazz = dick face, serious insult;
  • Sor ra fess = literally 'sister of the vagina', an expression used to indicate a stupid woman;
  • Frat ro cazz = literally 'fucking brother', an expression used to indicate a stupid and cunning man;
  • Omm 'e merd = shitty man, an expression used to indicate a despicable person who behaves particularly unfairly and cynically.
  • Piezz 'e merda = piece of shit; Similar to "Omm ' merda"
  • Vafammocc a mammata = literally “go and do it in your mother's mouth”, the expression is similar to vaffanculo, but is more reinforcing;
  • Chiav't a lengua 'ncul = Stick your tongue in your ass, shut up;
  • Chitestramuort = who died to you (a blasphemy);
  • Chillu strunz e patet = that asshole of your father;
  • Chella granda zompareta e mammata = that great slut of your mother;
  • Soreta è 'na puttan = your sister is a whore;
  • Lot' = literally means “mud”, but is used to say “piece of shit”;
  • Si na buatt = you are a fat girl;
  • Par 'a 'guallera = literally “you look like a scrotum”, the expression is used to indicate a stupid person;
  • Cuopp'allesse = insult addressed to a woman with such ungainly shapes that it is compared to the "cuoppo" which is made with a sheet of newspaper and used to wrap boiled chestnuts. The chestnuts wet the sheet causing it to deform.
  • Soreta is like a rubbish bag: they throw away every bit of rubbish = your sister is like a rubbish bin: they throw everything in;
  • Culo 'e mal'assetto = person who finds it difficult to stay still in one place for a moment due to restlessness;
  • If she says that the stork brings the babies, perhaps you are loved by her = it is said that the stork brings the babies, it may be that you have fallen for her;
  • Capera = highly gossipy person, a term used in a derogatory manner;
  • Fetosa = smelly;
  • Janara = witch, a term used to offend a woman with macabre attitudes;
  • Cessa/latrina = literally toilet, the term is used with a derogatory meaning to indicate a person who is not very clean from all points of view;
  • Nciucessa = gossip;
  • Vasciaiola = rough person belonging to the slums;
  • Who knows if he becomes famous after he dies, who the fuck are you waiting for? = you often become famous after death, so what are you waiting for?;
  • If you go to Lourdes, there's a miracle in Maronna, she says: "after so many years of doing this job, you're really putting me in difficulty" = if you go to Lourdes to have a miracle, Our Lady says to you: "after so many I have been doing this job for years, you are seriously putting me in difficulty";
  • For women and girls, I know they're all whores except the mugliereta, the daughter and the sister, but you never go to the casino for fear of being found = for you, all women are all whores except your wife and your daughter, but you never go to a brothel for fear of meeting them;
  • Keep and zizze comme e recchie nu cane 'e hunting = you have breasts similar to the ears of a hunting dog;
  • 'Nzevato = something greasy, slippery. Offensive term referring to someone who is slimy, dirty, who doesn't wash or a sufferer of dirty behavior;
  • 'Nnaccaro = derives from the characteristic sound of Spanish castanets. It can also indicate a person who carries out a spiteful and not very serious action;
  • If the tools were hard work, you had a lot and people with difficulty = if the asshole was a profession, you would have a company and many employees;
  • Keep your horns closed because you don't have panaro e maruzze = you have more horns on your head than a basket full of snails!;
  • It's like a shower: if everyone takes it = you're like a shower: everyone takes it;
  • Don't get much sun this season, or dry and strunze sun = don't get much sun this summer, the sun dries the assholes;
  • Nacchennella = is the one who, due to his stupidity, irritates beyond all limits, so much so that he wants to slap him. The origin is French, in fact it derives from “n'a qu' un oeil” which means “to see with one eye”.
  • You accuse the ignorant that the donkey knows better and you = you are so ignorant that the donkey counts better than you!;
  • 'Ntalliato = indicates a state of temporary confusion, a stupor typical of the distracted person who, despite being spoken to, seems to be mentally somewhere else;
  • 'Nzallanuto = is a person who seems confused, dazed, dazed, mostly associated with an elderly person (for example: old man 'nzallanuto);
  • Stuppolo = is the cork, or wafer made of tow and also a person we don't like because of his excesses;
  • Loffa = it is a word of onomatopoeic origin, that is, it is part of those words whose sound imitates exactly, or almost exactly, the thing it represents. As you know, 'loffa' refers to a fart that is not noisy, but smelly. A vulgar woman can also be indicated in a derogatory term;
  • You feel like you're being thrown upside down = you have to die;
  • Chiattillo = it is the classic crab, the large crab that sticks to you and produces annoying itching. In the scholastic context, it indicates the nerd who absolutely wants to participate in lessons even if the school becomes deserted. It derives from the Latin Plattillum from the flattened shape of the barge's body;
  • There are some people at your mother's who collect your pension at the post office = there are more people in your mother's room than at the post office to collect their pension;
  • Soreta is a great artist, we like sketches = your sister is a great artist: she likes sketches;
  • Sicchio e lota = bucket of shit;
  • Rattus = man who obsessively looks at any woman who passes in front of him with a mischievous manner;
  • Fareniello = a person who is impatient beyond all limits of decency, an intriguer without restraint, an outsized flirt, a dacoit who believes, with his behaviour, to appear to be a witty person, but then turns out to be extremely unpleasant;
  • Yes, it's like a news program without news: no need! = you are like a news program without news: you are of no use!;
  • Curnut = cornuto/a, sexually betrayed person;
  • Ricchion = homosexual;
  • Femmenèllo = homosexual with evident feminine attitudes;
  • Sarchiapone = stupid/dumb person;
  • Lumèra = the lumèra indicates both the fuse and the vulgar woman. In fact, to light a light you need to set fire to the fuse. And a small flame is enough to light it;
  • Everyone has a good side, turn around and let me see' = everyone has a good side… turn around and show me.

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