Secrets Naples

Beware of the secret of the Neapolitan Package

What is the Neapolitan Package

The "Neapolitan package" is a scam that originated in Naples and takes its name directly from the city, although it is not clear exactly when it was born. However, it is believed to have been in use for several decades and there may still be some ill-intentioned people around, so keep your eyes open. The scam of the "Neapolitan package" is a deception that involves the use of an apparently original package containing an object of great value (such as a computer, the latest generation mobile phone or jewel), but which is actually empty or contains items of little value. The scammer tries to convince the victim to buy the package at a very advantageous price, often lower than the real value of the object it is supposed to contain.

This is how the "Neapolitan package" scam works

The scam begins with the hawker approaching the victim and proposing to buy a package containing a highly valuable item at an extremely convenient price. The scammer will try to convince the victim that the package really contains that object, for example by showing them a perfectly sealed box that seems to contain the item in question. In reality, the scammer uses a series of persuasion and conviction techniques to make the victim believe that the product is authentic and that the price is very advantageous. The scammer may also show the victim fake documents, such as an invoice or receipt, to confirm the authenticity of the item and price. In some cases, the scammer may also show the real object to the victim, but then substitute it with one of little value before handing over the package. When the victim accepts to purchase the package by paying in cash, the scammer hands over the object to the victim, quickly making their escape. When the victim opens the package they will discover that the contents are completely different from what they expected. Often inside they will only find a miserable brick! In conclusion, we advise you to use common sense and be wary of situations similar to this described, otherwise you too risk falling for the "NEAPOLITAN PACKAGE" scam.

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