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Graffa is eaten here in Naples!

Simplicity and Flavor

The graffa is a typical pastry of the city of Naples with ancient origins and a rich history of curiosities and anecdotes. It is a fried doughnut-shaped pastry, whose soft and fluffy consistency is made possible by the use of natural yeast. The origins of the graffa probably date back to Roman times, when fried pastries were very popular and appreciated. However, the name "graffa" seems to be of Spanish origin, derived from the word "grapa", which indicates a very sweet and juicy type of grape. It is believed that the graffa was introduced to Naples in the 16th century by Spanish colonists who settled in the city. Over the centuries, the graffa has undergone various evolutions and variations, depending on local traditions and recipes. In some cases, for example, it is filled with pastry cream or jam, while in others it is topped with sugar or chocolate glaze. One of the curiosities related to the history of the graffa is linked to its spread among Neapolitan university students. It is said that in the 1960s and 1970s, the graffa was one of the favorite pastries of students attending the faculties of letters and philosophy. This is because, unlike other more elaborate and expensive pastries, the graffa was inexpensive and easy to find in street food stalls near the universities. Today the graffa has become one of the symbols of Neapolitan pastry, and it is sold in many pastry shops and bakeries in the city. Its round shape and unmistakable aroma make it easily recognizable, and make it a pastry beloved by Neapolitans and tourists visiting the city.

Graffa: Fried vs Baked

The graffa is a pastry characterized by its doughnut shape and the fact that it is deep fried in hot oil! However, in recent years, more and more pastry shops have started offering the baked graffa version, which promises to be a healthier and lighter alternative to the original fried one. But what is the difference between fried and baked graffa? And which of the two versions is better nutritionally? First of all, it should be clarified that the fried graffa is a very caloric pastry rich in fat, especially if topped with sugar or chocolate glaze. The baked version, on the other hand, contains less fat and calories, but at the same time risks losing that soft and fluffy consistency that makes fried graffa so irresistible. The main difference between fried and baked graffa is the cooking technique. In the case of fried graffa, the dough is dipped in boiling oil, which creates a crunchy crust on the outside and a soft interior. Baked graffa, on the other hand, is baked at lower temperatures for a longer time, making it drier and less soft than the fried version. In any case, the choice between fried and baked graffa depends on personal preferences and lifestyle. If you want to enjoy the pastry in its original version and can afford an occasional dietary indulgence, fried graffa is definitely the best option. If a lighter and healthier version is preferred instead, baked graffa can be an interesting alternative.

Neapolitans eat the best Graffa here!

Graffa can be enjoyed in many pastry shops and bakeries around the city, but the Graffa from Chalet Ciro in Mergellina is undoubtedly one of the pastries most beloved by Neapolitans and tourists visiting the city. Located in the picturesque Mergellina district, Ciro is famous for its delicious graffa - large, warm and soft doughnuts that melt in your mouth. But what makes Ciro's graffa so special? Firstly, the pastry shop only uses high quality ingredients and respects tradition in preparing its graffa. Each doughnut is deep fried freshly, ensuring it is always fresh and crunchy. But it's not just the quality of the ingredients that makes the difference. The location where the graffa is enjoyed is equally important. Mergellina is one of Naples' most beautiful districts, with spectacular views of the sea and Mount Vesuvius. There is nothing better than sitting at one of Ciro's tables, looking out at the sea while enjoying a freshly fried graffa. Chalet Ciro's Graffa is not just the perfect breakfast - it's ideal for a sweet snack at any time of day. Whether for an afternoon treat or a midday pick-me-up, Ciro's graffa is always a winning choice. The pastry shop also offers a wide selection of traditional Neapolitan pastries and cookies, such as sfogliatelle, babà and pasta di mandorle treats. But Ciro's graffa remains the pastry most beloved by many - a symbol of Naples' traditions and passion for food.
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Chalet Ciro

Chalet Ciro

Graffe Napoletane

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Graffe and view!

Chalet Ciro - Via Caracciolo, 80122 Napoli