Secrets Naples
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Tiè! The Sign of the Horns in Naples

The Horny Origins

The origin of the horn gesture as a talisman is uncertain, but there are some theories about it. One theory refers to the fact that horns have often been associated with strength and power, and therefore the horn gesture is attributed with the ability to ward off negative influences. It was also believed that the horn gesture could have positive effects on fertility and health.
According to tradition, the sign of the horns was introduced in Naples in the 17th century. It is said to have been used by Neapolitan sailors to protect themselves from the "evil eye", or "jettatura" in Neapolitan, which was considered a curse or negative energy that could cause misfortune or illness.


The sign of the Horns in Naples

In Neapolitan culture, the use of the horn gesture as a talisman against the evil eye is very common and practiced but often also takes on another meaning, that is, of having been betrayed by one's wife or partner. In this case, the gesture becomes a very strong offense to the man who receives it, as it implies betrayal and disrespect towards him. This probably refers to the figure of the devil, who in Christian tradition is often represented with horns on his head. The horn gesture could therefore have been used as a way to represent the devil's "lustful" temptation.
Inevitably in Naples, being the target of the horn gesture can only mean two things: Bringing bad luck or having been betrayed by your partner.

In any case, whether you're superstitious or not, what harm is there in throwing horns every now and then to ward off the evil eye accompanied by a nice "Tiè!"? You'll feel much better!

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